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Sale of official cars

Posted on: August 21, 2019 | Back | Print


        MB E-300 (Model year 2011), four wheel drive mileage 92317KM good condition available for sale. The official vehicle will be available for inspection between 0900hrs to 1600 hrs all working days from the date of advertisement at Embassy of India,4 lalana Rajaonson Emile, Tsaralalana, Antananarivo. The bids may be sent to  Embassy in sealed cover as per schedule below:-


        Bid Submission start date      : 26 August 2019 0900 hours

        Bid submission End Date       : 03 September 2019 1700 hours

        Bid opening Date & Venue   : 04 September 2019 1000 hours

        Bids will be opened by embassy committee appointed for the purpose. Bidders are welcome to present at the time of opening of the bids.



        Land Cruiser (Model year 2005), four wheel drive mileage 210714KM good condition available for sale. The official vehicle will be available for inspection between 0900hrs to 1600 hrs all working days from the date of advertisement at Embassy of India,4 lalana Rajaonson Emile, Tsaralalana, Antananarivo. The bids may be sent to Embassy in sealed cover as per schedule below:-


        Bid Submission start date      : 26 August 2019 0900 hours

        Bid submission End Date       : 03 September 2019 1700 hours

        Bid opening Date & Venue   : 04 September 2019 1000 hours

        Bids will be opened by embassy committee appointed for the purpose. Bidders are welcome to present at the time of opening of the bids.



